The concept for this TV commercial was created by Spotlite Productions in collaboration with NRG Advertising for Curacao Tourist Board . The jingle was created by Farley Lourens and the music produced by Hershel Rosario. The concept portrays some of the many shackles which form the chain of the unique Curacao tourism industry.
The concept for this TV commercial was created by Spotlite Productions in collaboration with NRG Advertising for Curacao Tourist Board . The jingle was created by Farley Lourens and the music produced by Hershel Rosario. The concept portrays some of the many shackles which form the chain of the unique Curacao tourism industry.
Consciousness how a community manages its waste is very important and a constant challenge for every country. One of our clients is Selikor N.V., the government company in Curaçao responsible for waste management on the island. In this audio-visual we motivate the people of Curaçao to make use of the Sanitairy Landfill. The development of the creative content was realized by Farley Lourens while the film production was done together with NRG Advertising.
A project which we did together with a team of creative colleagues was a campaign for Girobank Curaçao to create more awareness among the bank’s clients and potential new clients to save through the savings plan SAM. The content was created by Farley Lourens for Spotlite Productions. The audio production was done by Dave Mourillon of The Jingle Planet and the video animation by David De Bruine. The campaign was realized under supervision of PRGV Creatie.

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To motivate more people to become blood donors we did a campaign for Stichting Bloedbank Curaçao. The content of the campaign was created and developed by a team of creatives as a ‘give back to the community’ project. We used some popular persons on the island as influencers in a series of audio-visuals and radio spots. Other professionals who worked on the awareness project were Mariela Romero, QD Navarro, Devon Tweed, Urvin Pieter and Evert Boon.